Saturday, October 16, 2010

New love in town

An almond surrounded by the creamy goodness that is milk cream, stuffed inside a ball of biscuit with a shell of coconut flakes. Heaven...

The season of melancholy...

It is said that autumn is the season of melancholy. The possibilities of summer and warmth are gone and the chill of the winter is near. The sky turns grey, the plants prepare for the cold and darkness and so do we humans. Many people dislikes autumn. I am not one of them. I love the fiery colours of the leafs. The brisk and refreshing feeling of the fall air. The way the year slowly brings us winter, in preparation of sorts. Fall is a really cosy season. It is fireplace, cardigans, tea or hot cocoa. 

Enjoy the cosy season while you can!

One of those things I just hate.

It's funny how much bigger your room seems to be when you clean it. For your information - my room appears small more times than big. I'm not the biggest fan of cleaning, if you put it in other words; I hate it. I think it is a waste of time and only do it when really necessary. Which is when I can barely open the door to my room because of all the junk lying around on the floor. I think a big problem is that I just have too much stuff. Stuff that aren't even usable, that are kept anyway. But even though I hate cleaning, I've come to realize that when I actually do clean, I do it really thoroughly. I clean it all. 

Are you a mess like me? Or are you one of those that really enjoys cleaning?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Trouble, trouble, trouble...

Take your time listening to this one. Feel his voice go from your ears, through every cell of your body. It feels amazing. This is music at it's best - when you can listen to it with your whole body.

Let me just add that he looks a little bit like Jesus does in most images. Just a little odd side note ;D

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Starlit night

Were you able to see the sky tonight? Really see? I don't think I've ever seen anything so beautiful before. The rich, dark blue sky and the vivid and brilliant stars shining. I could not stop looking. In that moment, I promised myself that if a shooting star crossed the sky, I would wish for the world to always be like this; calm, peaceful, untouched, absolutely beautiful and a place where everything is possible.

Can you imagine how big it is up there? 
This song gives me the chills every single time I hear it. Every single time.